Pastor's Blog Archive

June 2013

When the Church Adopts the World's Standards

The number one problem in evaluating whether the ministry of a church is successful are the standards they are using in their evaluation.  Many church leaders are using the same standards the world uses to define success.   Four False Standards   1.  Size.  Mega churches who have thousands of people coming are considered the most successful...

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What Every Church Should be Devoted To

There are a lot of different opinions today in the church about what they should give their time and resources to.  Many churches tend to major on one or two ministries to the neglect of others. What ministries should a church be devoted to?  As long as a church goes by the opinions of their leadership and people, they will never find the answer to that question.  Once...

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Maintaining a Pure Heart

This is part two in some studies of Psalm 119.  In Matthew 15:8 (quoting Isaiah 29:13) Jesus said:  "This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far away from me."  The issue in living for Christ is the condition of our hearts.  That's why the Bible urges us to. Keep or watch over our heart with all diligence (Proverbs...

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