Dr. Bob is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., 1975; D.Min., 1986). After 40 years of pastoral ministry, he retired on June 30, 2012. He continues his commitment to Expository Preaching—clearly and accurately presenting God’s Word to impact the lives of people through a new ministry called “Real Living Today.” He and his wife, Sandy, were married August 17, 1971 and have two grown daughters who are serving the Lord. On May 16, 2021 Dr. Bob was honored with the title of Pastor Emeritus for his faithful years of service to the church.
His oldest daughter, Angie, is married to David Torres. David is the GAV Radio Producer at Grace to You in Southern California. They are both graduates of The Master’s College. David has a M.Div. and a Th.M. (Master of Theology) from The Master’s Seminary. They have seven children—Isaiah, Emilia, Micah, Eva, Isabella, Elizabeth, and Jeremiah.
His youngest daughter, Kim, is married to Andrew Callaway. They are both graduates of The Master’s College and Andrew is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary. Andrew is the Lead Pastor at Hickman Community Church in Hickman, California (Modesto area). They have four children—Sadie Jane, Andrew, Emma Lynn, and Luke.