8/29/2013 9:00:00 AM
Bob Nelson
Creation-How Did God Do It?
There is a popular view in the Christian community today that believes God created everything, but He used evolution to do it. There is absolutely nothing in the creation account (Genesis 1-2), or other related Scripture, that would support this view.
Scripture clearly reveals how God created the universe and everything in it. Notice five key observations from Genesis 1 and 2 and other texts.
1. God willed it and called it into existence. It was not that God willed it and called for it to happen and then there was a long period before it was fulfilled. Eight times in Genesis 1, it says, “And God said…and it was so.” It happened instantaneously. Psalm 33:6, 9—“By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made…for He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded, and it stood firm.” Psalm 148:5—“Let them (i.e. all creation) praise the name of the Lord, for He commanded and they were created.”
2. God called everything into existence out of nothing. The word translated “created” is the Hebrew word Bara. This verb is only used in reference to the divine work of God. It means “to create something out of nothing.” Only God can do that. It cannot happen any other way.
3. Everything God created was perfect. Genesis 1:31a—“God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.” It means nothing was bad; nothing was inferior. There was no disease, no pollution, no natural catastrophes, no decay, and no death. Sin is what destroyed everything God made good (Romans 5:12). Our salvation will be that God will make new everything sin has destroyed.
4. God made everything mature and fully grown.
· When the Redwood tree was created, it was fully grown.
· When a whale was created, it was fully grown.
· When the eagle was created, it was fully grown.
· When Adam and Eve were created, they were fully grown adults.
You may be thinking, “How do you know that?” Because God tells the animals and man “to be fruitful and multiply…” Genesis 1:28. Only fully mature creatures and humans have the ability to multiply.
5. God completed the entire creation in six days. Every time Genesis 1 mentions these days, the text says, “And there was evening and there was morning, (the number) day.” This is how the Hebrew language describes a 24 hour day. Also, the comparison Moses makes in Exodus 20:11 would make no sense if these were not literal 24 hour days.
What a Christian believes about creation is the foundation for everything else that he believes. I choose to believe God’s Word, not the view of unbelievers.