Pastor's Blog Archive

Why I Voted the Way I Did

The day before Election Day I watched a short video that was very encouraging to me. Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Southern California took a few minutes to give his congregation some biblical guidance before they voted. This video reaffirmed biblical principles I had followed and taught many years. Even though the election has passed, these principles will not only help...

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A Biblical View of Death

There is a verse in the Old Testament about death that would seem strange to many people, even many Christians today.  The reason is because what it says is just the opposite of how most people think about death. Ecclesiastes 7:1b.  “The day you die is better than the day you are born.” (NLT)  Most people, even most Christians, look at births as happy occasions, but...

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When the World Comes into the Church

There is a principle about the church that many leaders in the church have either forgotten, or they don’t care about because they are going to run the church the way they think is best. The Principle—When the church is absolutely different from the world, the world will listen to its message.  But, when the church tries to be like the world, they have nothing to say to the...

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God's Portrait of a Pastor

Any man who has ever been called by God and served as a pastor of a local church realizes quickly that people in the church have many expectations of him.  The problem is that many times these expectations are different from what God expects of His shepherds as outlined in His Word—the Bible. In John 1:6-8, the Apostle John describes John the Baptist in three ways.  This...

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The Ultimate Freedom

We have just celebrated the 240th anniversary of the “Declaration of Independence.” This document not only declared our independence from England, but it also stated rights given to us by the Lord. We are so fortunate to live in a country where we can have freedom to exercise these rights. The Message (John 8:31-36). Jesus talks about the ultimate freedom—freedom from the...

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Going From Pride to Humility Toward Others - Part Two

True humility is putting the interests of God and other people before yourself (Philippians 2:3-4).  Proud people believe that life is all about them.  Humble people are focused on God and others, not self.  We need to identify prideful traits toward others and, instead, express humility.  Pride Humility Having an unteachable spirit (John...

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Going From Pride to Humility Toward Others - Part One

True humility is putting the interests of God and other people before yourself (Philippians 2:3-4).  Proud people believe that life is all about them.  Humble people are focused on God and others, not self.  We need to identify prideful traits toward others and, instead, express humility. Pride Humility Reacting with anger toward...

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Going From Pride to Humility Toward God

True humility is putting the interests of God and other people before yourself (Philippians 2:3-4).  Proud people believe that life is all about them.  Humble people are focused on God and others, not self.  We need to identify prideful traits toward God and, instead, express humility. Pride Humility Reacting negatively...

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God and Nations

God and Nations In Paul’s Sermon on Mars Hill in Athens, he makes a significant statement about God and nations.  Acts 17:26-27a—“From one man He created all the nations throughout the whole earth.  He decided beforehand their appointed times and He determined their boundaries.  His purpose was for the nations to seek after Him…” Four...

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Are You Committed to a Local Church?

Matthew 16:18—“And I tell you…on this Rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.”  ESV Is a Christ-centered, God-honoring local church as important to you as it is to the Lord Jesus Christ?  Can your commitment to a local church be seen by those who know you best? There are three essentials necessary in this...

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