Soon we will be celebrating another Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends.  Thanksgiving should be a way of life for Christians, not just something we do once a year.  There are many reasons given in Scripture why we should have a heart of gratitude.  Let me just mention a few.

We should always be thankful…

  1. Because He is our Creator and Sustainer (Revelation 4:11).  He is worthy of all thanksgiving and praise because He created all things, and that includes us.
  2. Because He is our Redeemer (Revelation 5:12).  He is continually praised in Heaven because He is the Lamb of God who sacrificed His life for our sins.  We can never take that for granted.
  3. Because He is our only hope (Psalm 27:7-12).  We can always depend on God for any need.  He is our hope in a hopeless world.
  4. Because it is God’s will no matter what the circumstance may be (1 Thessalonians 5:18).  We can be thankful no matter what because we know God controls every circumstance in our lives to make us more like Jesus (Romans 8:28-29).

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, but let’s be thankful every day because our God deserves it.