There are many evangelical churches today which are drifting away from the biblical model of what Christ wants His church to be.  Many leaders have bought into the idea that the way to attract more people to their church (their standard of success) is to become more like the world in their philosophy, music, style of worship, their dress, and organization.  But, just the opposite is true.  When a church is absolutely different from the world, it will be unique and attract the world.  Why would anybody go to a church when they can find the same thing in the world?  The only difference is the church uses different words.

There are three secular philosophies that have caused the church to become more like the world.

  1. Postmodernism—This philosophy rejects absolute truth and teaches that we need to respect each other’s opinions.  This is why “talk programs” and polls/surveys are so popular today.  You see this in the church today when leaders and the people are making important decisions based on opinions and experience rather than biblical teaching.
  2. Pragmatism—This philosophy says the value of any idea is determined by the practical results.  If it draws a lot of people, it is good.  If it doesn’t, it is wrong.  It is good that the Prophet Jeremiah and Jesus were not judged by that standard because Jeremiah had no converts at the end of his ministry, and Jesus only had 120 disciples in Jerusalem at the end of His earthly ministry.  The Bible’s definition of success is doing the will of God regardless of the consequences.  This philosophy has caused many churches to replace biblical worship and preaching with drama, video, pop-psychology, comedy, and other forms of entertainment.  This approach kills a spirit of true worship.
  3. Market Driven Consumerism—Just like many secular companies, these churches find out what people want instead of what they need and advertise they can come to their church to get it.  You will not find any example or teaching of this approach in the New Testament.  The “Pastoral Epistles” (1 and 2 Timothy, Titus) make very clear what the message, the members, the ministers, and the ministry should be.  We need to get back to God’s blueprint.

I want to highly recommend that you read THE CHURCH AWAKENING: AN URGENT CALL FOR RENEWAL by Charles Swindoll.  It is the finest work by a seasoned pastor on this subject that I have ever read.