In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”  Genesis 1:1


Although this is a very simple statement, it is also a comprehensive and remarkable statement.  Let me make several important observations about this proclamation.


1.    There are five categories that make up all reality.  All of them are included in this statement.

·        “In the beginning” (Time)

·        “God” (Force)

·        “created” (Action)

·        “the heavens” (Space)

·        “the earth” (Matter)


2.    This statement refutes all false philosophies concerning the origin and meaning of the world.

·        It refutes pantheism because God is transcendent to that which He      created.

·        It refutes polytheism for the one true God created all things.

·        It refutes materialism for matter had a beginning.

·        It refutes dualism because God was alone when He created.

·        It refutes humanism because God, not man, is the ultimate reality.

·        It refutes evolutionism because God created all things.  It did not happen by random chance.


3.    There is nothing in this statement, or in the entirety of Genesis 1-2, which would indicate it is anything other than plain history.  Jesus and the Apostles believed it was a historical account, not allegory.

·        Matthew 19:4 (Jesus).  “Haven’t you read that at the beginning the creator made them male and female.”

·        2 Peter 3:5.  “Long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed.”



This month my radio program is a three part series on “Evolution—the Great Myth.”  You can listen to it on this website.  Just go to “Resources,” then click “Radio.”  Or, if you live in the Merced area, it is broadcasted on KYOS, 1480 am, every weekend at three convenient times (9:00 pm, Friday; 9:30 am, Saturday; and 2:00 pm, Sunday).