Money has become America’s number one idol.  Many evil things are done in our country out of greed and the love of money.  That’s why it may surprise you to know Jesus talked a lot about money.        

  • Over half of all the parables Jesus told had to do with money.
  • One out of every six verses in Matthew, Mark, and Luke deal with money or material possessions.
  • Jesus taught more about money than He did about Heaven and Hell combined, and those are serious subjects.


Jesus did not teach about money because He is a materialist, or because He wants every Christian to be  healthy, wealthy, and happy.  Jesus gave a lot of time to this subject because how we manage money and give is a measurement of our spiritual commitment to Him.


One of the parables Jesus taught about money is recorded in Luke 16:1-13.  This is a story about an unrighteous, but shrewd steward.  Jesus points out five important lessons we can learn from this shrewd steward.

  1. One day God will ask us to give an account of how we managed His money on this earth (v. 2). Hebrews 4:13.  “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.  Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.”
  2. The greatest use of money is to invest it into getting people to Heaven (v. 9). Matthew 6:20-21.  “Don’t store up treasures here on earth…store your treasures in heaven…
  3. If we are faithful with what we have, God will trust us with more (v. 10).  God knows that if we are not faithful with little, we will not be faithful with more.
  4. What we do with God’s money determines how much God blesses us with “true riches” (vv. 11-12).  If God cannot trust us with material things, why would He trust us with spiritual treasures.
  5. We must decide what we love most in life—God or money (v. 13).  God wants us to love people and use things.  The Pharisees loved things and used people (v. 14).


We must learn from this unrighteous, but shrewd steward.  Otherwise, we will repeat the mistakes other believers have made in the  management of the Lord’s money.