A gentleman, who is a member of a particular religious group, wrote an article in our local newspaper.  In this article, he stated his personal belief that many people think is true.  He wrote, “I tell people that I believe in one God, and that I respect all religtions. There are so many religions, but the God that is in all of is one God."  He is saying that as long as you are sincere and believe in God, any religion will get you to Heaven.

The Bible teaches just the opposite.  God’s Word says clearly there is a right way that leads to eternal life and a wrong way that leads to eternal destruction.

Jeremiah 21:8 – “See, I am setting before you the way of life and the way of death.”

Matthew 7:13-14 – Jesus talks about…

  • Two Gates.  There is a wide gate and a narrow gate.
  • Two Roads.  The wide gate puts a person on the broad road and the narrow gate puts a person on a narrow road.
  • Two Destinations.  The broad road leads to eternal destruction and only the narrow road leads to eternal life.
  • Two Crowds.  Many will enter the wide gate, but only a few will find and enter the  narrow gate.

What many people do not understand, there is a sign over both ways which reads… “This is the way to Heaven.” Do you believe Satan is going to put a sign over the wide gate that says, “This is the way to Hell.”  False religion is going to deceive and lead more people to hell than any other thing.

Jesus urges all men to “enter through the narrow gate.”  Each person must make the choice of which way he or she will go.